Why develop mindfulness at school?
Teachers are key to our children's wellbeing and academic success. Our mission is to support teachers in their demanding profession and help them in their personal and professional growth. We encourage and help them take care of their own health and wellbeing, in the prevention of burnout and in the further education in the field of wellbeing and building
physical and mental capacities,
so that they can best support the children and youth in their class and live a happy personal life.
Mindfulness practice can be beneficial for children of all ages and at every stage of development. According to relevant research, mindfulness improves children's social and communication skills, strengthens self-control and self-regulation, reduces anxiety and stress, reduces risky behavior, improves concentration and increases overall mental resilience.
All methodologies in our courses are based on scientifically based data and studies and are delivered by our expertly trained team. We facilitate programs in Czech and English.
Choose from the following packages:
Workshops and courses for teachers
(preschool, elementary, middle/high school)
All prices are in CZK and include VAT 21%
2h workshop online or at your school
An interactive introduction to the principles of developing mindfulness to support social-emotional learning and wellbeing. THE TEACHERS WILL LEARN: - What is mindfulness through a direct experience. - What are the potential benefits of developing a culture of mindfulness for the school community
Price: individual depending on the formate - from 6 600 CZK
for a group of teachers up to 20 people
- mindfulness in pedagogical practice
8h workshop at your school
A practical demonstration of how a mindful teacher can use mindfulness practice in the classroom to build the basic skill of self-awareness for the further development of children's social and emotional competence. THE TEACHERS WILL LEARN: - What mindfulness is and how developing mindfulness can enrich their own teaching competencies and the overall classroom climate. - How the development of mindfulness can support the personal development, mental wellbeing and thus academic and social success of children and adolescents in the classroom CHILDREN/YOUTH IN THE CLASSROOM WILL LEARN: Children/adolescents will experience through hands-on short activities selected in proportion to their age: - What mindfulness is, how attention and the nervous system work - What emotions are, how to notice them and how to calm down in difficult emotional situations - How to improve concentration - How to cultivate empathy and respect for yourself and others
Price for a group of teachers up to 20 people: from 25 200 CZK
- reducing stress through mindfulness
25 hours spread over 8 weekly sessions. Includes 5 hours practice session between the 6th and 7th session.
The eight-week MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction) training is the best known, most widely used and scientifically researched program for developing life satisfaction, inner peace and balance through mindfulness. It provides a solid foundation for further self-development and application of mindfulness in educational practice. THE TEACHERS WILL LEARN: - Respond consciously in challenging situations instead of automatic, stereotypical ways of communication - Recover more quickly from emotionally challenging and stressful situations that teaching practice inevitably brings - Perceive the joy of being in the present and enjoy life in all its breadth and richness - To be the "author of one's life" and to motivate oneself in a healthy way - To enjoy human interconnection and the sence of belonging in relationships with others Only through a long-term regular comprehensive mindfulness practice real changes can be achieved in the neural connections in the brain and thus in overall feeling, experiencing and behaviour. From the perspective of social and interpersonal neurobiology, adult emotional attunement is one of the building blocks for children's brain development and ability to learn in a safe and emotionally regulated environment.
Price per person: 8 500 CZK
60 min in person or online approx. once a month
Mindfulness training can be compared to body training in a "fitness center". If needed, we can offer meetings once a month (in person or online). The purpose is to maintain practice, obtain additional stimuli, the possibility of reflection on knowledge and experience.
Price from 250 CZK per person
Workshops for children and teens
(Prices are in CZK and include VAT 21%)
For preschool children 3 - 6 years
For primary school children 6 - 9 years
3 x 45 min within 3-4 weeks
This course is only recommended if the teachers have first gone through the 8 hours workshop Teaching Mindfully. Practicing mindfulness with children is related to the understanding of the concept by adults who work with them. Ideally, teachers will first develop their own mindfulness practice (e.g., in the 8-week MBSR course) and then can experiment with passing on mindfulness to children in the classroom. WHAT WILL THE TEACHERS LEARN: The three-session course is a practical demonstration of how a mindful teacher can work with mindfulness in the classroom to build the foundational skills of self-awareness to further develop children's social and emotional competence. WHAT WILL THE CHILDREN LEARN: Through hands-on playful activities selected in proportion to their age, children will learn/refine: • Vocabulary related to body, brain, attention, breath and emotions • Try activities for self-awareness and self-regulation • Explore what it means to relax, be kind to self, others and the planet
Price of the course of three lessons for a class of up to 20 children: from 11 100 CZK
For children and teens age 10 - 19 years
Workshop: 90 - 120 min
A comprehensive workshop for older children and youth offering a brief insight into what emotions are, what stress is, including some specific tips and activities based on mindfulness training to regulate challenging emotions and promote mental wellbeing. WHAT WILL THE YOUNG PEOPLE LEARN: • What emotions are and how many emotions there are. • What happens in our brains and bodies when we are stressed. • How to regulate challenging emotions. • How to calm down before a test or presentation. • How to encourage the experience of pleasant emotions such as joy, happiness, peace, gratitude.
Price of the workshop for one class up to 30 students:
from 6 000 CZK
Various age groups 4–19 years
Length of the lessons: 30 - 90 min
Yoga as a workshop or part of a project day. Alternatively, we can arrange regular, high quality yoga classes in your school for the healthy physical and mental development of children and adolescents. WHAT WILL CHILDREN AND YOUTH LEARN AND EXPERIENCE IN THE PLAYFUL YOGA LESSONS: • How to feel and respect your body • How to stretch and strengthen in a healthy way • How to relax and calm your mind and difficult emotions • Develop their physical coordination and mental focus • Support their overall immunity and health
Price for one class/group: from 3 000 CZK