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Every Wednesday from 10/4 to 11/22 at 6 p.m


Prague 1

Course for parents: How to deal with emotions

The How to deal with emotions course is a twenty-hour course that will help you better manage stress and emotions in everyday communication with your children. Over the course of eight weeks, you will become a kind "observer" of your thoughts, feelings, and habitual responses.

Course for parents: How to deal with emotions
Course for parents: How to deal with emotions

Time & Location

Every Wednesday from 10/4 to 11/22 at 6 p.m

Prague 1, Široká 65/14, 110 00 Prague 1-Old Town, Czech Republic

About the event

Learn ways to calm yourself and how to positively affect your children's emotions.

We organize the course in cooperation with Vedomá komunikace .

Lesson dates: 4, 11, 18, 25 October and 1, 8, 15, 22 November 2023

Time: from 6 pm to approx. 8.30 pm (max. until 9 pm)

Course length: 20 h

Capacity: 8 - 12 participants

Language of lessons: Czech / Language of lessons: Czech


Hanka Čechová

Teacher of mindfulness and conscious communication

Consultant in the field of empathic education and training

More about the lecturer here.

What is it about?

The content of the course and all the exercises are based on the latest scientific knowledge about the benefits of training attention and self-awareness ("mindfulness" in Czech).

What you will learn

By practicing mindfulness, you gain a kind insight into what you experience and how you act in different situations. This will create a space in which you can decide how to react most appropriately with regard to your own needs and the needs of others.


Specifically, we will learn:

  • to focus attention on individual aspects of experiencing the present moment (how we breathe, what we perceive with our senses, what feelings we have, what thoughts run through our heads, what happens in our body)
  • seeing your mind "in action" (gently and kindly observing how our thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations interact with each other)
  • observe thoughts as events in our mind - distinguish between those that are useful (constructive) and those that do not bring anything positive (assumptions, conjectures, judgments, anticipation of the future, fears, etc.)
  • to be aware when, under the influence of emotions or stress, we are controlled by habitual, automatic patterns of thinking and responding that do not benefit either us or our loved ones
  • break out of habitual patterns as needed and react creatively and freely (don't let the "autopilot" drive for you)
  • observing unpleasant emotions and thoughts and letting them "be" in the space of our consciousness where they lose their influence
  • to "tune" our minds to automatically relate to ourselves and others lovingly and with gentle curiosity

How it will manifest itself in practice

  • Mindfulness enables you to: manage stressful and emotionally demanding situations with insight and empathy towards yourself and others
  • to take care of one's own needs without reproaches or self-criticism
  • deepening trust in the relationships we care about
  • to enjoy life and feel gratitude for what we usually take for granted
  • use your life energy effectively (i.e. don't waste energy where we can't change anything)
  • to be the "author" of your life

What is the aim of the course?

The aim of the course is to develop mindfulness as a skill that enables us to approach life inquisitively, creatively and with kindness towards ourselves and others.

Who is the course intended for?

The course is intended for all parents who want to work on themselves to make their lives better. The course is not intended for people with acute addiction to drugs or alcohol, in the acute phase of mental illness, and people who have strong suicidal or self-harming tendencies. The course does not constitute any form of psychotherapy.

How does the course work?

Each meeting contains experiential activities to introduce the basic principles of mindfulness, exercises on focusing attention and reflection on one's own experience. An integral (and most important) part of the course are 20 to 30-minute practical exercises, which participants do at home six days out of seven between individual sessions. Work during the week also includes short records of own experience and small activities that deepen the learning process. It is always up to the participants to what extent they want to share and reflect on their own experience. Maintaining confidentiality is part of the ethics of our work.

How many participants are there in the course?

Group of 8-12 people.

What is the price of the course?

The price of a group face-to-face course is CZK 4,900 per participant.


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