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Mindfulness for children and youth in a fun way!

The practice of mindfulness with children is related to the understanding of the concept by adults who work with children in classes. Ideally, teachers first adopt their own mindfulness practice (e.g. in an eight-week MBSR course) and then they can experiment with teaching mindfulness to children in the classroom.


  • The three-lesson course is a practical example of how an observant teacher can work with mindfulness in the classroom and thus build the basic skill of self-awareness for the further development of children's social and emotional competencies.


  • A glossary of body, brain, attention, breath and emotions.

  • They will try self-awareness and self-regulation activities.

  • They will explore relaxation, kindness to self, others and the planet.

Course information

Workshop for preschool children 3 - 6 years old and for the lower elementary school 6 - 9 years old

This course is for both preschoolers and elementary school children in the lower grade.

In person course

at your school or kindergarten

We will come to your school or kindergarten where the course will take place. We can agree on a specific day that suits you.

3 x 45 minutes
within 3 to 4 weeks

We recommend this course only if the teachers first pass the 8-hour workshop Teaching mindfully

Course price

The price of the three-lesson course
for a class of up to
20 children is 9 100 CZK without VAT or 11 011 CZK with VAT.

All courses for the teaching staff can be paid for
from the Czech educational funds - DVPP templates - OP JAK.
Write to us via the form below for an individual offer.

What course participants say about us

Space for the family

Educators of children 2-4 years old

"Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the continuation of the seminar, it is very positive to share together."

"Thank you very much for the pleasant seminar, which helped me to relax and since I am interested in the topic, it only supported and gave me the desire for further self-development."

Good Montessori

Participants in the 8h workshop for teachers: Teaching mindfully

"I'm completely blown away! The course was one day, but it enriched me as if I had spent a week somewhere. Thank you, my life is richer.”

"Thank you for the lecturer's kind approach, it was a caress for my soul during this difficult time."

"The activities are practical and illustrative. The lecturer's work with both children and adults is natural and professional."

Elementary school Brdličkova

4th and 5th grade students, yoga lessons

"I really liked yoga."
"Yoga calms me down."
"I discovered that I love yoga and sports."

"I found that relaxing is easier than it looks."
"I started to enjoy yoga."


Send us a non-binding application

After sending the form, we will contact you shortly and tell you more information about the chosen course and our capacity options.

Thank you for your message, we will contact you soon!

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